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Why can’t one-time SEO be the answer?


SEO optimization is a set of measures aimed at increasing the position of a site in the search engines Google and Yandex. 85% of traffic for small and medium-sized businesses comes from organic search results. The main goal of SEO is to attract an audience to the site, and the end result is not only sales but also promotion, brand awareness.

A characteristic feature of search engine optimization is that the effect of the work of SEO specialists cannot be seen at once: 1-2 months of the promotion will never be indicative. If a specialist guarantees a quick result – most likely, he:

  • overly confident in their abilities, but does not have enough experience;
  • resorts to black methods.

In the latter case, there is a risk, sooner or later, to fall under the filters of search engines. In order to be at the top of the search results, you need regular work.

Will a one-time SEO help the site

Often, business owners do not want to spend money on long-term partnerships with marketing agencies. In the current state of the market, more and more requests come with the question of one-time SEO-promotion. The arguments are different:

  • small shop;
  • small assortment;
  • small budget;
  • do not see the point in long-term promotion;
  • waiting for quick results, otherwise, they see no point in working.

Sometimes shop owners do not understand why they need promotion, do not want to risk their own finances, do not believe in the effectiveness of SEO. Some entrepreneurs have come across unscrupulous contractors and are very wary of new hires.

However, as the practice of our agency shows, one-time work and short-term cooperation in promotion give only a temporary result. In order to hold the position, you need to promote constantly.

Separately, it is worth mentioning an option that is often asked – is it possible to create a website from only one landing page and promote it in this way in SEO?

Not recommended – if you try to combine these formats, you can lose in both cases. Landing pages are honed for their task – to sell through an impression. Such a page should be laconic, effective, without unnecessary information and elements.

But what a search engine finds useful may be too cumbersome for a landing page. And some search engines sometimes prefer a huge amount of text – this is definitely not for such a landing page. Simply put – a landing page is good for advertising on it, for holding promotions and announcements of events. But for continuous promotion, you need to be very careful when using landing pages. Although, of course, in certain areas and with proper design, even a landing page can be promoted to the TOP search.

Why SEO website promotion is an ongoing process

  • It is necessary to work on promotion every day, because:
  • Search engine algorithms change frequently. This means that the work done a few months ago may no longer be relevant today.
  • Complex actions, regular elimination of technical errors increase the chances of staying at the top.
  • Continuous analysis of positions makes it possible to track the actions of competitors and, accordingly, find and implement the most effective methods of promotion.
  • When you stop promoting, there is a risk that traffic and sales will drop.

Search engines evaluate the site as a whole and not its individual sections. In order for a resource to be at the top, it is necessary to work through each of its pages, conduct an audit and eliminate technical errors in time.

As a result of continuous work, the site will always be able to remain at the top of the search results, the link mass is growing, the brand becomes recognizable, and the trust in the seller increases from both users and Google and Yandex.

As an argument in favor of constant promotion, we will give an example of the work of our agency’s SEO specialists.

The store was promoted for a year.

Initial store data: less than 100 people a day, positions in the top 10, desire to get more and more regular customers. Since the basis of the business is water delivery, the first order usually turned the client into a permanent one, so the client was loyal to his price.

Nevertheless, the increase in orders was small – and the client believed that he could get more.

A feature of this company is that it went to a comprehensive service: we not only polished the site from the SEO point of view but also received feedback in the process from project managers, account managers, contextual advertising specialists, and Y.Market. One head is good, and 5 is even better. 🙂

The actual progress of work:

  • Understanding the current situation of the client – for which requests he is shown, for which not, whether the impressions are targeted.
  • Analysis of successful competitors – where is it now without it?
  • Creation of new pages, writing texts for them.
  • Optimization of existing pages.
  • Work to improve page formatting.
  • Disable duplicates, extra pages in the index.
  • Optimization for Google – the growth of links and articles to the site.
  • Creation of pages for new semantics.
  • Microdata on the home page.
  • Display of blocks with pumps on the main page.
  • Acquiring connection.
  • Adding new product cards in order to increase their number in the eyes of search engines.

The standard procedure is to schedule jobs and track changes in positions in SeRanking to understand how the work performed affects the positions.

A small feature of working on this project: for the sake of interest and new experience, we used the TF-IDF keyword counting scheme. The TF-IDF measure is often used in text analysis and information retrieval tasks, for example, as one of the criteria for the relevance of a document to a search query, when calculating the measure of document proximity during clustering. This helps to understand which queries the pages are ranking for, avoid cannibalization and build the correct ranking.

At the moment we are testing the effectiveness of the method on other projects.

Also, an important moment of interaction with the client – in this case, he supported our idea of ​​creating new cards-sets. This moment was important for us to visually expand the range, and the client really liked the idea. As a result, the idea shot in two directions: both in positions and in sales – there was a good demand for kits.


For a small store, SEO promotion during the year proved to be more than effective. Unfortunately or fortunately, the website was promoted according to the classical scheme – the results appeared six months later and have been constantly growing since then. The client continues to increase orders from organic traffic and develop the site. To accelerate the growth of orders, it is necessary to conduct a monthly audit of the resource, monitor innovations, eliminate technical errors, and improve the structure and design. If you do not have enough time and skills to engage in promotion yourself, hire professionals.

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