How To Design Your Front yard & Take Care Of It?

The main idea to keep in mind is to make your design work during all seasons of the year. If you plan to make it beautiful throughout the year, it won’t be hard to maintain, and your front yard will be interesting as well as varied.
1. Put Highest Ones In Back
When creating a flowerbed it is a good idea to put the highest ones in the back and go down as you move to the front. If you can achieve this, your flowers will catch much more attention, and it will be easier and faster to keep. Combine colors and shapes before planting.
You can even combine them so that there are flowers that bloom at different times of the year. Evergreens are easy to maintain, especially shrubs, and they will make your yard interesting even in winter.
2. Plant Evergreens
Evergreens are an all-time favorite, not only because they are enjoyable all year, but because they are great to make your front yard private. They are very easy to maintain, and most shrubs can be easily trimmed and shaped.
3. Plant Same Time Blooming Flowers
To keep your yard uniform, plant flowers that bloom at the same time scattered among the yard, to avoid nasty empty spaces. You can also add flowers that bloom during the year. These flowers, called annuals, have the same purpose as evergreens, provide a basic outline for all seasons. Make a nice mix of perennial and annual flowers, looking for balance. Remember that you should avoid having empty areas for a long time.
4. Consider Lines Of House
When designing your yard you must take into account the lines of your house, so to make your yard lines flow smoothly. Don’t overpopulate areas: most of the time, less is more.
A final note: follow your instincts and your taste, above all. Take note of fashion and trends, but they may become unpopular with time. Your taste and the time you can devote to design and to maintain your front yard are the keys to successful landscaping design.
Tips To Take Care Of Lawn:
Lawn care is an important part of homeownership. Having a beautiful lawn is something you will be able to enjoy and which you will find worth the effort required to maintain it. A well-maintained yard helps to increase your home’s value and keeps your relationship with neighbors in good standing. Here are some of the basics for making your lawn the envy of the neighborhood.
- Care for Your Trees and Shrubs
Having a beautiful, weed-free, pest-free lawn is just one part of creating a healthy yard. Your shrubs and trees need care too. As with your grass, there are natural pest-control methods and natural fertilizers that can keep your shrubs and beds healthy and productive.
Trees also need care and should be protected from disease. For instance, your palm trees are vulnerable to phytoplasma diseases. Caused by a type of bacterium, these diseases can kill your trees if ignored, but they are preventable.
Injections into the trunk of palm trees can prevent and treat the disease. You should remove the trees from your yard and also remove the stump. You should use the stump grinding technique to get rid of unwanted stumps.
- Fertilize
Fertilizing is an important part of maintaining a healthy, lush, and green lawn. Fertilizers provide needed nutrients to the soil so that grass can grow and stay green. A fertilizer high in phosphorus is particularly important in promoting strong root growth and cultivating a green color. You can buy natural fertilizers or use compost. Compost is available at garden stores, or you can create your own from lawn clippings and kitchen waste.
- Eliminate Weeds
Weeds are tough plants that strive to out-compete your grass for light, water, and nutrients. For the best looking lawn, you want to get rid of them. Natural and organic weed control products are available, so you don’t need to turn to harmful chemicals. Chelated iron is one such product, which is bad for weeds, but grass loves it. Keeping your grass long will also help to prevent weeds from taking root.
- Control Pests
Controlling pests will help keep your yard green and beautiful, but it will also make it a more enjoyable environment for you and your family. Certain lawn pests are common in the Tampa area, including grubs that eat the roots of the grass, webworms that eat the grass itself, and chinch bugs, which can wreak havoc in the dry months.
You can fight these critters with natural, organic methods. For instance, grubs can be controlled by infecting them with milky spore, a disease that only kills the grubs. You can also battle them with nematodes, a natural predator.
Chinch bugs are difficult to control, but you can prevent their invasion of your lawn by growing resistant varieties of St. Augustine grass. To rid your lawn of webworms, it is important to water regularly and to avoid letting dry thatch build-up. You can also use natural pesticides, such as those that include orange oil.
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