Discover The Everchanging Face Of Fitness

It’s rare for me to write, comment, or give my opinion online, but after thinking about the idea, I’ve decided to share with you some of my thoughts on what fitness is, what it’s really about, and who should be considered fit. Of course, this is just my opinion at this point in history, but it still deserves to be mentioned. I am writing this, I admit, out of disappointment. I’m constantly reading articles, newsletters, and blogs from fit people to learn and improve in this industry we call fitness, but lately, I’ve come across several very fit people who draw lines in the sand (regarding what fitness is), which, in my opinion, really doesn’t have to be there.
Now you’ve heard me say it a million times! Fitness (technically) is usually defined in a way that has something to do with optimal levels of:
- cardio endurance,
- muscle hardening,
- muscle strength,
- flexibility,
- body composition (fat vs. lean body mass)
While this is true and I certainly agree, I think we are talking about a quantitative way of looking at a qualitative problem. Yes, exercise is quantitative. How much, how much, how low, how high, how strong, how far, how big, how long – these are things we very often associate with sports. In America, we tend to be a quantitative society. We want to know how much money someone has, who has the most friends, who spend the most on clothes, who has the lowest body fat percentage, who can bench press the hardest, and who can walk the longest distance with the least amount. by weight. . of time. We are obsessed with numbers, quantities, and keeping scores.
So I ask the question: is physical fitness really a quantitative thing? Or could it be that physical fitness is a qualitative thing? Maybe a combination of both? What do you think?
All I can say about this is that (to me) physical fitness is more than how many times you can lift a weight, how far you can run, whether or not you’re limber enough to put your feet behind your head. To me fitness is about things that can’t always be measured in numbers, it’s about more than a number, a weight, a distance, a score.
I tell my clients that we all have strengths and weaknesses at different times in our lives. At 24, he had 9% year-round body fat, could squat 700 pounds, and bench press 405 pounds per rep. I can’t do that anymore. But I can do 35 pushups, stand on a stability ball as long as I want, and touch my face to my knee when I stretch, all things I couldn’t do as a 24-year-old beast boy. Was he fitter then or now?
Look at the people around you. What’s your story? What are your experiences? Are they fat? Are they too skinny? Maybe they are very weak and can’t lift much. They may have low stamina and cannot run for long before becoming out of breath. Think about it for a moment and then ask yourself: if your current level might be better than before, does it really matter that they don’t fit your idea of what fitness should be? When you think about any of these things, they all depend on one thing: your perception of that person. I assume the physical form evolves as a person goes through life. What you thought about fitness early in life may not be the same idea you have about fitness later. I encourage you to embrace fitness all your life, no matter what face it currently has.
Better! improve in some way. You may not always be able to do what you did when you were young, but there are ways you can become even better than you were. And I’ve seen people who were very sedentary when they were young and their fitness steadily improved as they got older. One of my clients, Lisa, told me she is (in her 60s) in the best shape of her adult life. Isn’t that what fitness is all about? If you really think about getting fit, isn’t it about getting better, getting better, and doing what you need to do to feel better about yourself and your physical body? Isn’t it mainly about quality and not quantity?
I think so. I believe that fitness has an infinite number of faces and takes on an unlimited number of characteristics. I encourage you to try not to see fitness so limited that you forget that fitness is primarily about people. It’s about making people better, not about being the best. Fitness is not a sport, it is not a race and no one is keeping score. Fitness is about you as an individual. You can be a phenomenally successful athlete with
fitness as something that is inclusive, not exclusive. Sport is wonderful and to have a winner we need to keep score and compare. I encourage you to leave the scoring to the athletes on the field of play, and only on the field of play, and not in the daily activities that lead people in their quest for fitness.
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